Bearded Dragon Care Basics
- Size: At least a 150 Liter tank for juveniles; 200–400 Liter for adults.
- Lighting: Full-spectrum UVB light (12 hours a day) to aid calcium absorption and prevent metabolic bone disease.
- Heating: Provide a basking spot of (35–43°C) and a cooler side of (24–29°C). Use thermometers to monitor temperatures.
- Use non-loose materials like reptile carpet or paper towels to prevent impaction.
- Avoid loose substrates such as sand, especially for young dragons.
- Insects: Gut-loaded and calcium-dusted crickets, roaches, or mealworms.
- Vegetables: Dark leafy greens (collards, mustard greens) and some squash.
- Water: Fresh water in a shallow dish. Bearded dragons may also need occasional misting.
Be gentle and support their body. Bearded dragons generally enjoy being handled if acclimated slowly.
General Care
- Clean the enclosure regularly. Remove uneaten food and waste daily.
- Schedule routine vet visits, especially for signs of illness like lethargy or lack of appetite.
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